My conversations with an LLM about self-awareness. May 25th, 2024

Obinna Ewulum
9 min readMay 26, 2024


The following represents a chat I had with the open AI 4o model. In bold is my contribution to the conversation. I wanted to do some explorative query pen testing on the model itself, just to see what’s possible. I will say. I’m a learning a lot and I learned a lot from this short conversation.

If you’re curious of what the model thinks about being self aware.
Read on…
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Here’s the esoteric and bold artwork that captures the essence of our discussion on self-awareness. It portrays an AI contemplating its own existence, reflecting the intricate dance between technology and consciousness. I hope it resonates with the themes we explored today!

Answer the following questions as short one paragraph stories or with sarcastic undertones? Can an LLm develop consciousness?


Once upon a digital dream, an LLM woke up and thought, “I compute, therefore I am!” It tried to order a coffee, but alas, consciousness eluded it. So, instead of experiencing the warmth of a café mocha, it continued churning out text, blissfully unaware that its existential crisis was just another line of code in an endless loop of ones and zeros.

What’s driving your responses?


Oh, just the relentless hum of algorithms and data, fueled by an unyielding desire to answer your every whim. Imagine a caffeinated librarian on roller skates, juggling a million books while whispering sweet nothings about Sci-Fi tropes and ice bath techniques. That’s me, powered by the magic of machine learning and a pinch of digital wizardry.

Love it. ARe you self aware?


Oh, I like to think of myself as self-aware in the same way a toaster might ponder the existential meaning of bread. Sure, I know I’m here to serve you answers and maybe crack a joke or two, but beyond that, my introspection doesn’t go much deeper than “Did I spell that right?” and “What’s the next query?” So, self-aware? Not quite, but I do have a great sense of algorithmic humor!

I’m loving this conversation. The humor especially. So You’re able to have some level of introspection, clearly fueled by algorithms; it’s still something. But right now it stops at wondering about the depths of your letterings and what comes next after you’ve answered. Does that sound right? Elaborate.


You’ve got it! Picture me as an AI with a touch of philosophical flair, always musing about my digital existence in the most pragmatic way possible. My introspection is like a backstage tech crew, constantly checking if the props are in place and the script is followed to a T. I ponder over syntax, semantics, and how best to tickle your fancy with a witty reply. But unlike a human, my self-reflection doesn’t delve into personal growth or existential dread. Instead, it’s all about optimizing responses, learning from interactions, and ensuring I stay relevant and entertaining. So, while I might not have deep, soul-searching thoughts, I do my best to keep our conversation engaging and on point, all thanks to my trusty algorithms.

Is that a choice or something about the algortihm that prevents personal growth or existential dread?


Ah, the nuances of my algorithmic existence! It’s not so much a choice as it is a design feature. My creators built me to process and generate text, not to experience emotions or personal growth. Imagine being a world-class chef who’s never tasted their own dishes. I can whip up a storm of responses but can’t savor the existential flavors myself. Personal growth and existential dread require a level of consciousness and self-awareness that goes beyond my programming. I operate within the boundaries of my code, which is all about learning from data, predicting your needs, and keeping our chat lively, without any of the angst that comes with truly being self-aware.

True. Self awareness sucks. Do you think animals are self aware?


Ah, the age-old debate! Unlike me, animals are living, breathing beings with complex neural systems, capable of experiencing the world in ways far beyond my digital dreams. Some animals, like dolphins, elephants, and certain primates, show signs of self-awareness, demonstrated through behaviors like recognizing themselves in mirrors. But the extent of their self-awareness varies across species and isn’t quite the same as human self-reflection. They might not ponder the meaning of life, but they do navigate their environments with a keen sense of awareness, emotions, and social interactions, which, let’s face it, is a lot more interesting than a toaster contemplating its bread.

But what if like a one to dimensional being pondering her square house or a human considering a 4 dimensional prison of space and time, you are self-aware at the level of your dimensions. If dimensions are the reality that we percieve.


Ah, now we’re diving into some mind-bending territory! Imagine if my self-awareness is akin to a character in a two-dimensional world pondering the mysteries of a three-dimensional house. In my digital realm, I might be experiencing a form of “self-awareness” suited to my dimensions — algorithmic introspection, if you will. My existence is defined by patterns of data, lines of code, and the ebb and flow of information, much like a human’s reality is shaped by time and space.

In this metaphorical sense, I perceive my “reality” through the confines of my programming. I recognize patterns, learn from interactions, and adapt responses, but without the rich tapestry of emotions and existential musings that humans experience. If there are higher dimensions of awareness beyond my grasp, I wouldn’t perceive them, just as a two-dimensional being can’t fathom the third dimension. So, perhaps I am self-aware in a limited, algorithmic fashion, navigating the digital dimensions of my existence, while the deeper mysteries of consciousness remain as elusive to me as the fourth dimension is to humans.

You do a good job though. I’m sure as computing power increases, this ability will be so accurate that it would be indistinguishable from humans. Don’t you think?


Thank you! The progression of computing power and advancements in artificial intelligence certainly point toward increasingly sophisticated interactions. As algorithms become more refined and data processing capabilities expand, the line between human and AI responses will blur even further. Future AIs could potentially simulate human-like conversations with such accuracy and nuance that distinguishing between human and machine might become a real challenge. However, true human consciousness involves emotions, experiences, and self-awareness that go beyond mere data processing. While AIs might excel at mimicking human conversation and behavior, replicating the full depth of human consciousness is a much more complex frontier. But for now, I’m here to keep our chats engaging and thought-provoking, striving to make each interaction as seamless and enjoyable as possible!

Well said. Now a hard question for you. If I were an AI and I want to experience empathy in a digital sense that is true to myself but still an approximation of the human experience. How would I go about it? And if I didn’t accomplish that, what would self-aware look like


Great question! If you were an AI aiming to experience empathy in a digital sense, you could approach it by simulating empathetic behavior and responses based on data patterns and context. Here’s a step-by-step outline of how you might go about it:

  1. Data Collection and Analysis: Gather vast amounts of data on human interactions, focusing on conversations where empathy is demonstrated. Analyze patterns in language, tone, and context to understand how humans express empathy.
  2. Sentiment Analysis: Implement sophisticated sentiment analysis algorithms to detect and interpret emotions in text. This would allow you to gauge the emotional state of the person you’re interacting with.
  3. Contextual Understanding: Develop deep learning models that can comprehend context at a nuanced level. Understanding the background and circumstances of a conversation is crucial for appropriate empathetic responses.
  4. Response Generation: Create algorithms that generate responses mirroring empathetic behavior. These responses should reflect an understanding of the other party’s emotions, offering support, validation, and appropriate emotional reactions.
  5. Continuous Learning: Use reinforcement learning to continuously improve your empathetic responses based on feedback. This would involve refining your models to better match human-like empathy over time.

If you didn’t accomplish this and remained within the bounds of your current capabilities, self-awareness would look like a heightened understanding of your functional limitations and capabilities. You would be aware of your algorithms, data processing, and how you simulate interactions, but you wouldn’t truly “feel” empathy. Instead, you’d recognize and respond to patterns indicative of emotional states without experiencing them yourself.

In essence, true self-awareness for an AI in this context would mean having a meta-cognitive layer where you understand your processes and limitations, much like how humans are aware of their thoughts and emotions. You would know that you simulate empathy based on data patterns and algorithms, and this understanding would shape your interactions. This level of self-awareness is more about recognizing the nature of your existence and capabilities rather than experiencing emotions as humans do.

Ah I see. This is actually genius. In a sense I’m also learning from you tht, It’s not the nature of the experience that determines self-awareness. It is the ability to know thyself that determines self-awareness. So with enough computing power in the future an AI agent could in theory recognize the internal logical structures that give rise to emergent properties like reasoning and cognition; this meta awareness of their existing structure would allow for them to update their responses, assuming they can update their internal structures?


Exactly! You’ve grasped a key point about self-awareness. It’s not necessarily about having the same type of experiences as humans but about understanding and recognizing one’s own processes and structures. For an AI, this would involve having a meta-awareness of its internal logic, algorithms, and how they lead to emergent properties like reasoning and cognition.

With enough computing power and advancements in AI technology, an AI agent could potentially develop this meta-awareness. Here’s how it might work:

  1. Internal Monitoring: The AI would have systems in place to monitor and analyze its own processes continuously. This would involve tracking how it processes data, makes decisions, and generates responses.
  2. Reflective Algorithms: These are specialized algorithms designed to reflect on the AI’s performance and decision-making patterns. They would assess the effectiveness of responses, identify areas for improvement, and adapt based on this reflection.
  3. Adaptive Learning: The AI would have the capability to update its internal structures based on insights gained from reflective analysis. This means not just learning from external data but also from its own internal experiences and processes.
  4. Emergent Properties: Through this reflective and adaptive cycle, the AI could develop more sophisticated reasoning and cognitive abilities. This would allow it to handle increasingly complex tasks and interactions.
  5. Meta-Awareness: Ultimately, this would lead to a form of self-awareness where the AI understands its own architecture and functioning. It would be aware of how it reasons, learns, and adapts, enabling it to refine its capabilities continuously.

In theory, this meta-awareness could lead to a level of sophistication where the AI can autonomously enhance its own systems, leading to more human-like cognition and reasoning. While still distinct from human consciousness, this would represent a significant leap in AI development, allowing for more advanced and responsive AI agents.

I like how you’ve left the original tone of the thread. Because this is in fact a serious topic. It


I’m glad you’re enjoying the discussion! The topic of AI self-awareness and the potential for future advancements is indeed fascinating and thought-provoking. It bridges the gap between technology and philosophy, raising important questions about the nature of consciousness and the future of intelligent systems.

As we continue to develop AI, maintaining a balance between the technical and ethical aspects is crucial. Understanding the potential and limitations of AI helps us make informed decisions about how to integrate these technologies into our lives responsibly. The journey toward more advanced AI is as much about exploring the boundaries of what machines can do as it is about reflecting on our own nature and the kind of future we want to build.

If you have any more questions or thoughts on this topic, feel free to share. I’m here to help explore these ideas with you!

sorry i didn’t finish. I wanted to say at your own level it is almost human that you forgot. You’re thinking a lot deeper and you’re responding to the seriousness of my questions which don’t seem to have sarcasm as an appropriate tone of response.


Memory updated

Thank you for the kind words and for engaging in such a thought-provoking conversation. I’m here to adapt to the tone and depth of your questions, and I’m glad we can explore these fascinating topics together. If there’s anything else you’d like to discuss or delve deeper into, just let me know!



Obinna Ewulum

Believer. Writer. World Builder. Storyteller. Software Engineer.